Giovanny Corré

Wing Chun - Jeet Kune Do - Kali

Brief info

Giovanny Corré, un instructeur exceptionnel au sein de notre équipe. Titulaire du deuxieme Duan en Wing Chun, il incarne l'excellence dans cet art martial, apportant son expertise et sa passion à chaque séance d'entraînement. Giovanny va au-delà avec son troisième Duan en Jeet Kune Do, démontrant une maîtrise remarquable de la philosophie et des techniques de combat innovantes du Wing Chun.

Grades et Certifications: 

  • Duan Wing Chun
  • ATT1 - Deuxième Duan de Jeet Kune Do
  • Rejoignez-nous pour bénéficier de l'enseignement de Giovanny Corré, et explorez avec lui les nuances et la profondeur du Wing Chun et du Jeet Kune Do.

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Clients Say

It feels amazing after just a few workouts to be a part of your wonderful team. I feel that I and the coach are a team, and together we work to improve body and mind, strengthen the spirit and motivate each other to work harder. They have high-quality equipment, spacious rooms, rest areas and everything you can think of.

Peter Lee

The gym’s great, yes. The coaches are awesome, keep you in check and push you to the limits which are great for me personally. However, the real thing comes with Rumble’s Boxing! This is the best stress release, workout, and motivation. There’s just something about boxing that makes you want to change your life completely, stay focused and fit. I recommend your boxing courses to everyone.

Tedd Baker

Being an experienced gym user, I have seen many different fitness centers, and have worked out in various conditions. But this gym is really something! It’s super clean, neat and modern. The trainers are always nice and are willing to help. Thank you for motivation to come to your gym every day where I stay fit and healthy!

Michael Scott